
Edible Hemp

Edible Hemp

It is a modern and healthy additive to almost all types of food, bakery products and pastas. Edible hemp satisfies adequate nutrition with high quality ingredients.

Hemp seed (peeled or unpeeled) provides:

• all the vitally necessary amino acids (essential and non-essential)

• in seed oil 75 - 95% unsaturated fatty acids in the right proportion for human nutrition

• 2-4% gamma-linolenic acid for sound condition of blood

• the most mineral nutrients (calcium, potassium, phoshorus, iron and many others)

• dietary fibres, which are good for digestion

• various vitamins (vitamin B and E)

Edible Hemp supports the healthy metabolism of all cells with its vital ingredients and strengthens the bodily defenses. Therefore edible hemp should be involved in the daily nourishment for the vitality and well-being of everybody. The sufficiency of the edible hemp crop is seldom outperformed nutritionally and physiologically. It provides the human body with all the required unsaturated fatty acids, which play a vital role in sustaining the vital cells, in the composition of significant hormones and for a well-balanced amount of lipid in the blood.

The biological quality rating of protein in nutritional hemp is of the highest value and is comparable to egg white or meat. But it is also free of cholesterol and unhealthy trans-fatty acids. The variety of mineral salts and micro elements provide the body with vital nutrients that guarantee stable cell metabolism, in the same way that important vitamins do.

One third of the ingredients are carbohydrates that provide adequate fuel and dietary fibre for the sound digestion in the body. Since practically all of these valuable properties in edible hemp are utilized immediately as pre-stages or auxiliary substances in the daily metabolism of the body, the danger that they are deposited as fat in love-handles scarcely exists.

Conversely, edible hemp has always been a therapeutic nutritional agent, because through the strengthening of the immune system, the power of resistance has risen against morbid infections and consistently emerging abnormal cancer cells.

The gamma linolenic acid contained in edible hemp oil regulates the level of lipid in the blood to healthier amounts, and thus prevents arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and apoplectic strokes.

The rediscovery of sound and healthy nourishment with edible hemp is thus the answer to many of the current diseases of today.

hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571 info@hanf-natur.com
hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571 info@hanf-natur.com

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